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  • Hernández-Pizarro, HM. and Maynou, L. (2024). The effects of physical activity prescription on mental health: Evidence from primary care. Economics & Human Biology, 55:101432. link
  • Maynou, L., McGuire, A. and Serra-Sastre, V. (2024). What happens when the tasks dry up? Exploring the impact of medical technology on workforce planning. Social Science & Medicine, 352:117014. link
  • Maynou, L., McGuire, A. and Serra-Sastre, V. (2024). Efficiency and productivity gains of robotic surgery: The case of the English National Health Service. Health Economics, 33(8), 1831–1856. link
  • Anderson, M., Friebel, R., Maynou, L., Kyriopoulos, I., McGuire, A., Mossialos, E. (2024). Patient outcomes, efficiency, and adverse events for elective hip and knee replacement in private and NHS hospitals: a population-based cohort study in England. The Lancet Regional Health–Europe, 40:100904. link
  • Maynou, L., Saez, M. and López-Casasnovas, G. (2024). Association of income and wealth with self-reported health status: Analysis of European countries during the financial crisis. Review of Public Economics, 249-(2/2024): 181-210. link

    • Wallenburg, I., Friebel, R., Winblad, U., Maynou Pujolras, L., & Bal, R. (2023). Nurses are seen as general cargo, not the smart TVs you ship carefully: The politics of nurse staffing in England, Spain, Sweden, and the Netherlands. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 18(4):411-425. link
    • Street, A., Maynou, L. and Conroy, S. (2023). Did the Acute Frailty Network improve outcomes for older people living with frailty? A staggered difference-in-difference panel event study. BMJ Quality & Safety, 32(12):721-731. link

    • Maynou, L., Street, A. and García-Altés, A. (2023). Living longer in declining health: factors driving health care costs among older people. Social Science & Medicine, 327: 115955. link
    • Banal-Estañol, A., Jofre-Bonet, M., Iori, G., Maynou, L., Tumminello, M. and Vassallo, P. (2023). Performance-based research funding: Evidence from the largest natural experiment worldwide. Research Policy, 52(6):104780. link
    • van Kessel, R., Forman, R., Milstein, R., Mastylak, A., Czabanowska, K., Czypionka, T., Durand-Zaleski, I., Hirche, A., Krysinska-Pisarek, M., Maynou, L., Roberts, B., Torbica, A., Vrangbæk, K., Wang, Y., Wouters, O.J., Mossialos, E. (2023). Divergent COVID-19 vaccine policies: Policy mapping of ten European countries. Vaccine, 41(17):2804-2810. link
    • England, T., Brailsford, S., Evenden, D., Street, A., Maynou, L., Mason, S., Preston, L., Burton, C., Van Oppen, J. and Conroy, S.  (2023). Examining the effect of interventions in emergency care for older people using a system dynamics decision support tool. Age and Ageing, 52(1):afac336. link
    • Maynou, L., Street, A., Burton, C., Mason, S., Stone, T., Martin, G., van Oppen, J. and Conroy, S. (2023). Factors associated with longer wait times, admission and reattendances in older patients attending emergency departments. An analysis of linked healthcare data. Emergency Medicine Journal, 40(4):248-256. link


    • Alshibani, A., Coats, T., Maynou, L., Lecky, F., Banerjee, J. and Conroy, S. (2022). A comparison between the clinical frailty scale and the hospital frailty risk score to risk stratify older people with emergency care needs. BMC Emergency Medicine, 22(1):171. link

    • Friebel, R. and Maynou, L. (2022). Assessing the dangers of a hospital stay for patients with developmental disability. Health Affairs, 41(10): 1486-1495. link  Media coverage: The BMJ
    • Friebel, R., Fiesten, J., Maynou, L. and Anderson, M. (2022) Emergency contracting and the delivery of elective care services across the English National Health Service and independent sector during COVID-19: retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 12(7):e055875. link
    • Maynou, L., Owen, R., Konstant-Hambling, R., Iman, T., Arkill, S., Bertfield, D., Street, A., Abrams, KR., Conroy, S. (2022). The association between frailty risk and COVID‑19‑associated all‑mortality in hospitalised older people: a national cohort study. European Geriatric Medicine, 13(5):1149-1157. link

    • Anderson, M., Molloy, A., Maynou, L., Kyriopoulos, I., McGuire, A. and Mossialos, E. (2022). Evaluation of the NHS England Evidence-Based Interventions programme: a difference in difference analysis. BMJ Quality & Safety, 32(2):90-99. link
    • Maynou, L., Pearson, G., McGuire, A. and Serra-Sastre, V. (2022). The diffusion of robotic surgery: examining technology use in the English NHS. Health Policy, 126(4): 325-336. link

    • Maynou, L., Ordóñez, J., Silva, JI. (2022). Convergence and determinants of young people Not in Employment, Education or Training: An European regional analysis. Economic Modelling, 110: 105808. link
    • Friebel, R. and Maynou, L. (2022). Trends and characteristics of opioid-driven hospitalizations in England, 2008-2018: a population-based retrospective cohort study to investigate a silent epidemic Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine,115(5):173-185. link.

      Media coverage: The Times, Daily Express, Daily Mail, The BMJ, Time Radio.

    • Friebel, R., Yoo, KJ. and Maynou, L. (2022). Opioid Abuse and Austerity: Evidence on Health Service Use and Mortality in England. Social Science & Medicine, 298:114511. link


    • Maynou, L., Mehtsun, W., Serra-Sastre, V. and Papanicolas, I. (2021). Patterns of adoption of robotic radical prostatectomy in the United States and England. Health Service Research, 56(S3):1441-1461. link

    • Friebel, R., Henschke, C. and Maynou, L. (2021). Comparing the dangers of a stay in English and German hospitals for high-need patients. Health Service Research, 56(S3):1405-1417. link
    • Maynou, L., Morley, B., Montfort, M. and Ordóñez, J. (2021). Club convergence in European housing prices: the role of macroeconomic and housing market fundamentals. Economic Modelling, 103:105595. link
    • Maynou, L., Hernández-Pizarro, H. and Errea-Rodríguez, M. (2021). The association of physical (in)activity with mental health. Differences between elder and younger populations: A systematic literature review, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 4771. link

    • Street, A., Maynou, L., Gilbert, T., Stone, T., Mason, S. and Conroy, S. (2021). The use of linked routine data to optimise calculation of the Hospital Frailty Risk Score on the basis of previous hospital admissions: a retrospective observational cohort study. The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 2(3) e154-e162. link


    • Maynou, L. and Cairns, J. (2020). Disagreement on cancer drug decisions in Europe. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 36(3):232-238. link

    • Nicod, E., Maynou, L., Visintin, E. and Cairns, J. (2020). Why are there differences in HTA recommendations across countries? A parallel convergent mixed methods study. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 15(3): 386-402. link


    • Maynou, L., Coll de Tuero, G. and Saez, M. (2019). The effects of copayment in primary health care: evidence from a natural experiment. The European Journal of Health Economics, 20(8):1237-48. link

    • Maynou, L. and Cairns, J. (2019). What is driving HTA decision-making? Evidence from cancer drug reimbursement decisions from 6 European countries. Health Policy, 123(2):130-139. link


    • Maynou, L. and Saez, M. (2016). Economic crisis and health inequalities: evidence from the European Union. International Journal for Equity in Health, 15(135). DOI: 10.1186/s12939-016-0425-6. link
    • Maynou, L., Saez, M., Bacaria, J. and Kyriacou, A. (2016). The impact of cohesion funds on convergence of the eurozone (1990-2010). Regional Studies, 50(7): 1127-1139. link
    • Maynou-Pujolràs, L., López-Casasnovas, G. (2016). Comparativa de los sistemas de evaluación de medicamentos: evidencia Europea. ¿Es necesaria una unificación de los criterios de evaluación?. Revista Española de Economía de la Salud, 11(2):158-167.
    • Maynou, L., Saez, M. and Lopez-Casasnovas, G. (2016). Has the economic crisis widened the intra-urban socioeconomic inequalities in mortality? The case of Barcelona, Spain, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 70:114–124.


    • Maynou, L. and Cairns, J. (2015). Why do some countries approve a cancer drug and others don't?, Journal of Cancer Policy, 4:21-25.
    • Maynou, L., Saez, M., Bacaria, J. and Lopez-Casasnovas, G. (2015). Health Inequalities in the European Union: an Empirical Analysis of the Dynamics of Regional Differences, The European Journal of Health Economics, 16:543–559.
    • Lopez-Casasnovas, G., Maynou, L. and Saez, M. (2015). Another look at the comparisons of the health systems expenditure indicators. Social Indicators Research, 121:149–175.


    • Hoffmann, R., Borsboom, G., Saez, M., Mari-Dell'Olmo, M., Burström, B., Corman, D., Costa, C., Deboosere, P., Domínguez, F., Dzúrová, D., Gandarillas, A., Gotsens, M., Kovács, K., Mackenbach, J., Martikainen, P., Maynou, L., Morrison, J., Palència, L., Pérez, G., Pikhart, H., Rodríguez-Sanz, M., Santana, P., Saurina, C., Tarkiainen, L., Borrell, C. (2014). Social differences in avoidable mortality between small areas of 15 European cities: an ecological study, International Journal of Health Geographics, 13:8.


    • Maynou, L., Saez, M. and Bacaria, J. (2013). Convergence Analysis of the Eurozone Regions (1990-2010)" (in Spanish), Ekonomiaz, 82:201-217.


    • Maynou, L., Ordóñez, J., Silva, JI. (2022). Joves que no treballen ni estudien: convergència i determinants. 5centims. link

    • Maynou, L. (2022). Viure més anys amb una salut en declivi: els factors que determinen la despesa sanitaria. 5centims. link

    • Conroy, S. and Maynou, L. (2021). Frailty: time for a new approach to health care?. The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 2(2):e60-e61. link
    • Maynou, L. (2021). ¿La privación económica y social influyeron en el resultado del Brexit?. Nada es Gratis. link
    • Maynou, L. (2019). El auge de los robots: eficiencia de la cirugía robótica en Inglaterra. Blog Economía y Salud, Asociación de Economía de la Salud. link

    • Kanavos, P., Mills, M., Cheatley, J., Lopez-Casasnovas, G., Manganelli, A., Maynou, L. and Serra, M. (2017). Controlling expenditure within the Spanish pharmaceutical market: macro- and micro-level policy approaches. 10.21953/LSE.RO.80113. LSE Health, London, UK. link
    • López-Casasnovas, G. and Maynou, L. (2017). Inclusive economic growth for health equity: in search of the elusive evidence. In: Deeming, C. and ‎ Smyth, P. Reframing global social policy: social investment for sustainable and inclusive growth. Bristol: Policy Press. link
    • Maynou, L. (2017). La investigación en eficiencia hospitalaria en España. In: López Casasnovas G, del Llano J.E., Gol Montserrat J., Pi Corrales G. Colaboración Público-Privada en Sanidad: El modelo Alzira. Ed. Fundación Gaspar Casal; Madrid. link
    • Miners, A., Maynou, L. and Ruiz, F. (2014). The UK's National Institute for health and care excellence (NICE) and the application of evidence-based policy making. Economía y Salud, Boletín Informativo, nº80, Asociación de Economía de la Salud. link
    • Cairns, J., Maynou, L. and Miner, A. (2014). Organisational issues for building Health Technology Assessment (HTA) capacity in Cyprus. Ministry of Health of Cyprus, internal report. link